Monday, March 29, 2010
HorseBack 3/29
Today I rode rebel, and we worked largely on my test for showing this summer. There was also a clinic at the barn, that I wasn't ridding in. However Rebel was going to be ridden in the clinic later that day. My ride went extremely well, and the canter work that I had done was some of the best that I had accomplished lately with Rebel. After I rode I took rebel out on a trail. When we were on the trail there was a huge puddle that I was trying to avoid, but Rebel ended up jumping into it. He got stuck up to his knees and his white legs were dyed black. In a clinic it is considered rude for the horse to even have a speck of dirt on him. Even though I was not ridding in the clinic later it was my responsibility to clean his legs off, this took me at least an hour.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
IB Conference 3/18
Tonight I talked to the parents of the sophomores about my thoughts on the IB program. I basically told them the same experience that I had to share with the parents, and did my best to be honest without exaggerating or making the program seem harder than it truly was. The parents had a lot of questions I did my best to put my opinion forward in each questions, especially when it came to sports. One parent said their student was nervous about playing a sport during the IB program. I told her about how my junior year I decided not to play a sport because of that reason and i regretted it. I also told her how I feel more focused and determined to get my work done when I am on a sports team. This seemed to reassure the parent and her daughter, and I was happy to have done so. At the end some parents came over to ask questions. I had one mother come up to me in particular, since her daughter is interested in art schools. She asked how the IB helped me and how my course choice affected me. I explained to her that I did not take art at the IB level but took theatre instead, which hindered but helped me at the same time. But I also told her how many art schools recognize and love the IB and all the ways it helped me. She seemed very satisfied with the answer I gave her, and it made me really happy to share my experiences for the benefit of others.
Miracle Party 3/17
Finally my group has started to make progress on how to continue on this event. Carley after a month of trying was finally able to get a hold of channel 17 and schedule a date for us to film. Upon hearing this I called Kathleen if this date would work. Missy had recently emailed her informing her of our plans. Kathleen then informed me that she has to pass it by the board first, and her board meeting is after the date that we had scheduled with channel 17. So now we are just waiting for the board to get back to us and then we can attempt to move forward again. She said she would e-mail us with the results, and that it would either be at the end of the week or the end of the month.
Horse Back 3/21
Today i was unable to go to the barn because I am sick with the flu. This is actually very upsetting because my friend Ellie called me last night informing me that I would be ridding her horse Essie for her in front of a potential buyer. I was pretty upset that I could not help her with this since I am sick.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
IB Conference 3/15
Today I talked to the sophomores about the IB program. I thought it went fairly well, and I did my best to answer their questions. I basically told them that the best way to decide their future classes is to really talk to their teachers and see what those classes entail. I also tried to stress the importance of picking a class that your really passionate about, not just something you are good at.I talked about how in my sophomore year I had a 98 average in physics, and took it because I thought it would be easy for me, and now it is one of my worst classes. I also told them about how theatre was something I was passionate about, but I never really understood how hard and how much work it was truly going to be. I gave them the advice on how to important it is to start your EE essay during your junior year, or else you will dig yourself into a ditch. One last thing I stressed was how important it is to eat healthy, and that i noticed my senior year is when I ate the worst out of all my years in high school. I tried my best to voice my personal opinion and answer all of the questions to the best of my ability. The sophomores seemed to leave the meeting with a better understanding of what they were about to embark on.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
DI 3/14
We spent the rest of the day sitting in a hallway with our set rehearsing lines and making last minute changes to our set. We preformed around 4 and even though a few things didn't really go as planed, we were all very satisfied with our performance. It was one of my favorite DI moments, we all burst into laughter at the end. The audience really seemed to enjoy it.

Horseback 3/14
Today I rode my friends horse Essie. My friend has knee problems and can't ride right now so I was helping her out by ridding Essie for her. I haven't ridden in a while do to some issues with work and my crazy busy schedule, however I just recently quit my job, so i'll finally be able to focus more on ridding. My instructor and I had a conversation about what my plans for my last summer at the barn will be. I told her I do want to show this summer, so she is having me memorize tests for the shows when I am not at the barn. I will most likely be showing Rebel this summer, but today ridding Essie helped me a lot. Essie is a more experienced dressage horse and I can focus more on my own body when ridding rather than having to help the horse understand what is going on, like I do on Rebel because of his lack of experience. I rode for about an hour today and did a lot of canter work.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Destination Imagination 2/2
Miracle Party 2/12
I was finally able to make contact with Kathleen and come to an agreement on how to finish out the award. My girl scout group is going to produce an ad on the public service station to promote the camp. While Missy and Carley run the cameras I will be the 'talent' on stage.
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