When the class is over we always spend a few moments critiquing each others artwork, and the art instructor says what she likes and what she thinks should be improved in each. As stressful as this part is it is very important to me because it is the only professional critic ill be able to get on my artwork, to let me know what is weak, and what is strong. When she was reviewing the artwork she said she was very impressed by mine and pointed out the face in particular. She though the shading on it was 'beautiful'.
When i showed the drawing to my parents, after they got over what it actually was, my dad was shocked that I was the one who drew it and had no idea that I could draw like that. This meant a lot to me, because my parents are not ones to give compliments just to be nice. They only say this when they really mean it. Plus my dad is not big into art and sometimes doesn't understand things with an artistic view. Also my parents are a huge influence on me, and the fact that they are supporting me through me trying to improve in my art skills as quickly as I can, so that I can get into the college I want.