Saturday, April 3, 2010

Chili Reflection

For this activity I was making chili to raise money for Prom. I had never made chili before so this was something very different for me. During this activity I helped to cook the bacon, cut the stakes, and makes sure everything was added to the right pot. I was also going to be one of the people who drove the chili back to the school. There was a large amount of people helping out at this event and I felt that we were all able to get along very well and assign enough people to each role to have everything done efficiently. Making chili was so much fun and I was glad that I did it. This activity was important to be because I am excited for prom, especially since it is on my birthday, so I want to help make it as awesome as possible. This activity was a huge challenge for me because I don't do a lot of cooking, and I had never made chili before. Since I had never made chili for me this was defiantly a new skill, and I now know how to make chili. I tried my hardest however to make the chili and was really happy to learn something new. This activity benefited other because it helped to raise money for the Junior/Senior prom, making Prom a better experience for all. The goals were set not to high, since I had never done anything like that before. There wasn't really any difficulties since all the ingredients and directions were already where we needed. Well driving in my car with all of the chili was difficult because I had to make sure that no chili spilt on my car. I felt the activity went over really well. Personally before this I never really liked chili, but now I do. Also it really helped with my ability to learn how to cook, and has made me inspired to cook more often.

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